Monday, March 29, 2010

Some Changes are Coming

Hi there,

It has been a little while since I have entered any info in the blog...sorry about that! I have been busy with trying to finish some work around the house, entertain children at March break and fight a lot of Bell Mob fires...and oh too.

Things are going really well right now with a lot of new members joining up and with a really good lead with The Brick. We hope to sign the Brick in a couple of weeks.

I am also considering reducing the number of businesses that support us, as many businesses have high employee turn over and this can cause us problems with members showing their cards at many of these businesses. New employees need to brought up to speed with the program or even know it exists.

We seem to do well with Booster Juice in Ottawa! But other businesses require me to spend a lot of time visiting and ensuring that the card is accepted and remembered. This is partly due to how many card carrying members use the card and how often a business sees it. I am even considering eliminating the card and simply having businesses that want to support us, issue their own certificates and cards.

I am always interested in feedback from you as to what you think? I seldome get feedback, well..except when you get a bad bell bill....I have had two great responses from new members, one said thank you for supporting emergency service members and I had a nice call today with a "thank you for what you do for us". Its amazing how this can motivate you to keep going and working at this great program.

We are looking forward to some new opportunities this spring.


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