Monday, December 7, 2009

Moving forward with Bell Mobility and The 911 Network

Ok, you like me are probably very tired or the whole Bell Mobility ordeal...It kinda goes like this...

"I have been over-billed, my brother's uncle's-cousin just received his bill and its way over what it should be..." Then anger, frustration and many calls and emails. I can sympathize as I too have been affected and I started the program!

So here is how it all works and a little history of what happened...makes a great story, but I am getting tired of repeating it. Please understand...and bear with me through this..

So here is why things went wrong...We (911 Network Members) have the best cell phone plan available...its soooo good, that the account registered under my name has been targeted by many many people...hundreds to be specific, for fraud.

Who might defraud The 911 Network, well Bell Mobility reps themselves who want to move this offer to any clients to make some good commission etc. So, as the year progressed, I was getting calls from Bell's collection office saying I and The 911 Network were on the hook for many, many accounts that people defaulted on their bills...some as high as $160,000.00. That's right...6 figures. So, Bell Mob decided that having The 911 Network as a corporate/ corporate plan...meaning only under my name was not a good idea. So they changed all account holders to what is deemed a corporate individual account.

What does this mean? Well, it means that if you default on payment, you owe...not The 911 Network. Why did things get so screwed up...well the person who was moving all accounts from corp./ corp to corp./ind., did not check the box that ensured that we all received the proper discounts. So when billing was sent out...and whoa...we saw just how much we were all saving...a lot.

So keep in mind...this is Bell's mistake. They will fix it. How long will this takes a little bit of time and keeping on top of them. Do you have to Can you be angry, sure! Just try and be civil and work through the issues as it still saves us a lot of money.

Also, keep in mind that George, our rep is taking hundreds of calls for this and is really, really busy trying to keep up to this. He is also not responsible for how data is entered into the system.

Also, if you are looking for George to help with the new need to have a current (2009) 911 Network member pin number. To get

Thanks for working through this and supporting our program. Keep up to date with the blog if you can, and I will try and keep it up to date.


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