Monday, October 19, 2009

Are you a current member of The 911 Network?


I have been running into people, on-line, in the gym and some folks via George Darouze, that are a little bit confused as to how our membership program works.

Many people figure that since they signed up in 2007-2008 or in 2009, that they are still members of The 911 Network, and while I feel in my heart that they are, they are not truly current members...its an annual membership. It costs $21.20 for an individual and $31.80 for a spousal or family membership. These fees are due every year.

Most of this payment goes to charity and some remainder goes to supporting the website and the cost to run the program. I personally pay about $800 to $1,200 per year from my own pocket to support the program.

Since we are just now seeing a good increase in memberships, I am working at establishing what charity we will be dedicating our funds to. In the past we have been making donations to The Quest for A Cure adventure race program, to be delivered to the Ottawa Regional Cancer Foundation.

I am interested in directing our funds to a program that will feel a direct impact from our fund raising. I am also interested in hearing from you, our members as to what charity we are best suited to support? Please email me with your thoughts and considerations for our Charity Rewards.

Kind regards,

Patrick McIntyre

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